Friday, November 6, 2015


"Keeping them unspotted from the world" is a phrase which is part of the Anglican (Episcopal) liturgy and which derives from the 14th cent. word meaning "undefiled" and in the beautiful King James Bible (James 1:26,27)

Saw it today in my devotions and reflected that the UGLY modern speech which has swept away the cadences of the King James and the 1549 Book of Common Prayer, still retains these in unexpected islands of biblical speech...


"A law unto themselves
A man after his own heart
A stumbling block
A thief in the night
A thorn in the flesh
All these things must come to pass
All things to all men
And the word was made flesh
At their wit's end
Be fruitful and multiply
Born again
Bottomless pit
By their fruits ye shall know them
Charity shall cover the multitude of sins
Crumbs which fall from ... table
Death, where is thy sting
Den of thieves
Dreamer of dreams
Eat, drink and be merry
Eye for an eye
Fallen from grace
Fatted calf
Fell by the way side
Fell flat on his face
Fell on stony ground
Fight the good fight
From strength to strength
Get thee behind me
Give up the ghost
God forbid
Holier than thou
Honour thy father and mother
How are the mighty fallen
In the twinkling of an eye
Land of Nod
Led as a sheep to the slaughter
Left hand know what thy right hand doeth
Let my people go
Let there be light
Love thy neighbour as thyself
Milk and honey
Money is the root of all evil
My brother's keeper
My name is legion
New wine into old bottles
No room for them in the inn
Out of the mouths of babes
Physician, heal thyself
Put the words in her mouth
Seek and ye shall find
Set thine house in order
Sheep's clothing
Suffer fools gladly
Take root
The blind lead the blind
The last shall be first
The leopard [change] his spots
The lost sheep
The powers that be
The signs of the times
The skin of my teeth
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak
They know not what they do
Thou shalt not bear false witness
To give than to receive
Turn to him the other [cheek]
Turned the world upside down
Two are better than one
Two-edged sword
Vengeance is mine
Wandering stars
White as snow
Woe is me"

If you have used any of these, then the KJV is your heritage.

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